HealSafe has emerged as specialists in interior design for challenging environments. In 2010 they designed their first product for forensic psychiatric hospitals, since then, the demand for solving safe interior design products have increased. Anti-Ligature Shop supports Healsafe on the right products for the UK market. For Healsafe products click on the link https://anti-ligature-shop.co.uk/product-category/helasafe/
LOBILL WC our partner in Ireland, on hand to offer advise on reduced ligature products. Lobill is a market leader in the field of water saving / water management products along with automatic washroom products for specialist applications, including the healthcare, mental healthcare, custodial and public sector markets.
Arkisafe sells and delivers a series of products that are characterised by being suicidal and preventing self-harm and violence.
Call: +61 1800 759 393
Visit: https://hipac.com.au/
Hipac proivde safety products and design expertise solutions to help create environments based around patient safety.
60700 Fleurines
Call: +33 3 44 54 48 20
Visit: https://www.diframed.com/
Diframed supply a range of safety products for environments where items need to be ligature resistant.
Odd Ball Industries
Call: (631) 754-0400
Visit: https://oddballindustries.com/
Oddballs provide service and custom solutions for all ligature resistant safety needs and help to find solutions to meet needed requirements.