- ThermaSkirt-e is a revolutionary new form of direct electric heating, designed to replace electric storage heaters and panel radiators, as well as provide a more practical, controllable & reliable alternative to electric under floor heating.
As it combines two elements in one it will cut installation time and cost, save valuable wall and floor space, bring down energy bills and improve the aesthetics of a room.
The face of the panel heats up when in operation and radiates heat into the room in a similar way underfloor heating does but as it’s above ground with no floors or carpets to pass through, it responds much quicker and heats the room within minutes.
– Highly efficient infrared radiant heating panel
– Connects to a standard 220/240V switched fused supply
– Can work with any floor construction or finish
– Responds quickly to heat demand
– Provides clean, hygienic heat with no grilles, slots or fins
Product Code : Thermae1