Durable plates produced in strong scratch resistant plastic. Well proven for challenging environments, not least
by the correctional services, where they actually are produced for work training and educational purpose. Withstands
both microwave oven and dishwasher. Sold in packs of 25 pcs.
by the correctional services, where they actually are produced for work training and educational purpose. Withstands
both microwave oven and dishwasher. Sold in packs of 25 pcs.
Anti-Ligature Microwaveable an dishwasher safe. The use of strong colouring spices, e.g. turmeric, paprika, curry etc. in combination with fatty foods and high heat can leave a discoloration on the plate.
Anti-Ligature Microwaveable an dishwasher safe. The use of strong colouring spices, e.g. turmeric, paprika, curry etc. in combination with fatty foods and high heat can leave a discoloration on the plate.
Product Codes
HS-610 Dinner plate 25 cm (25 pcs) green
HS- 611 Plate 24 cm (25 pcs) green
HS-612 Soup bowl 15 cm (25 pcs) green